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6814 Valley Vista Drive
Cathedral City, CA 92234
United States


Mike Weber is a Mixed Media Artist living in Palm Springs, CA. His modern nature and animal themed artwork is featured with leading contemporary art galleries in the United States and Europe.


I vividly remember the natural colors, patinas and textures on decaying, historic homesteads near my childhood home in rural Missouri, an area filled with wildlife and farm animals. I repeat these aged finishes within my artwork to recreate a sense of history, combined with graphic patterns and bright colors of today’s world. My subjects are often photographed in wilderness, on sustainable farms and at rescue centers where animals are removed from poor conditions in animal factory farms. I digitally remove the animals from their natural environments and place them over colorful, graphic urban visuals, allowing the viewers to see animals in a new and more relatable context. My process combines photography, paint, resin and unconventional artist materials to create a multi layered composition that brings the viewers closer to nature.